you have degraded the memory of

you have degraded the memory of


The widow of the director who died in 2018 accuses the jury of the award of having “marginalized” her husband by attributing the David Special only to his brother Enrico

A David Special a
Henry Vanzina

director and screenwriter, but no acknowledgment to his brother Carlo, also a director, who died in Rome on 8 July 2018. An “oversight” against which the widow points the finger Lisa Melidoniwhich accuses the David jury (whose
The awards ceremony will take place in Rome on May 10th
) of having “marginalized” her husband “degrading his memory”. “With my daughters – Melidoni declared to Ansa – we learned how theDonatello’s David Academy she has already forgotten about Carlo Vanzina, my husband, their father. Giving an award to his brother and not an acknowledgment to Carlo was a gesture of ingratitude towards a director who has made well over 60 films. A great gentleman of Italian cinema according to all those who have worked there in more than 40 years of esteemed career».

Carlo Vanzina, Melidoni continues, was «a master, a humble man, not out of modesty but out of innate elegance; always on tiptoe, never prevaricator nor arrogant nor with the desire for protagonism on the contrary, of those who boast of inexact truths in order to always be at the center of undeserved attention». «Dear jury of the David – concludes the “j’accuse” of the widow Vanzina with bitterness -, with the same superficiality that confers this award, you have outcast a great protagonist, an author of the Italian comedy, degrading his memory by failing to acknowledge his infinite dedication to our cinema, not even post-mortem. After all, we know: whoever was loved so much in life, becomes with death oblivion of the indifferent».

May 6, 2023 (change May 6, 2023 | 12:37)


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