You can crush a philosophy star. Schopenhauer did it too

You can crush a philosophy star.  Schopenhauer did it too


The universality of philosophy and its language are always at risk of abstraction and lack of humanity. He noticed the post-Hegelian and anti-idealistic philosophy of right and left, from Schopenhauer and Feuerbach to Kierkegaard, Marx, Nietzsche, all passionate and enemies of the university. Whether they were materialists or moral individualists, they couldn’t stand Hegel, having studied and seen him teach. In the twentieth century, the new Hegel, the hypocritical essentialist (other than existentialist!) Martin Heidegger conquered and polluted the universities of the world with his ontological jargon, hypnotizing, colonizing and intoxicating even Christians and Marxists, who instead should have been his most obvious and immediate adversaries. Furthermore, in the second half of the twentieth century, and above all with the new millennium, the controversies between philosophers have practically disappeared. Academicism has won and there is no philosopher who dares to refute and criticize publicly from his own point of view philosophies and philosophers of the opposite tendency. Subjectivism and objectivism, idealism and materialism, rationalism and irrationalism, generality and concreteness are considered outdated conflicts. In part this is true. But one can also suspect that indifference and too little passion for philosophy and truth are hidden in this overcoming of classical philosophical conflicts.. The recognition of everyone’s right to think as they wish has turned into hypocrisy and reticence. The academic philosopher does not dare to criticize or discuss his colleague’s philosophy. He wants to live in peace and safety, not make enemies that could harm his career.

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