Yes to experimentation with GMOs (called Tea)

Yes to experimentation with GMOs (called Tea)


The amendment approved in the Senate is a positive turning point: Italy is finally starting to liberalize scientific research on genetic improvement. The problem is the hypocrisy about the name, a forgery that tries to save goat and cabbage

On Tuesday, an amendment to the “Drought” law decree was approved in the Senate, which authorizes field testing of plants obtained with the so-called “assisted evolution techniques” (Tea). The acronym is new, but it concerns an old debate: the one on GMOs. The amendment is certainly a positive note because finally Italy, after decades, begins to liberalize scientific research on genetic improvement through genomic editing and other new techniques. In essence, it is a question of overcoming the absurd ban on open-field experimentation envisaged by Italian law – supported by right and left – against GMOs. Unlike in the past, when absurd reactionary ideological battles were fought on the need for Italian agriculture and agri-food excellence to focus on genetic improvement in order to survive the challenges of climate change, now there is full awareness and a consensus transversal politician.

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