Who’s afraid of the dark? Literary chronicle of the pleasures and mysteries of the night

Who's afraid of the dark?  Literary chronicle of the pleasures and mysteries of the night


Time of atavistic fears and conspiracies, celebration and intense work. Thus darkness plays with light, natural or artificial, and inspires poets, writers, directors, painters

“It was a dark and stormy night…”. This is how the little dog Snoopy of the Linus strips drawn by Charles M. Schulz. It’s a parody. Anticipated in many novels and then revived on countless occasions. She accompanied my youth. It is an invitation not to take oneself too seriously. Mock all clichés, all presumptions. Night and dark, day and light, are metaphors that have never faded, since the dawn of time I would say. They expressed all the anxieties and hopes in the world. “It has to pass ‘a nuttata” says Eduardo in millionaire Naples. He sums up the human condition.

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