When the Louvre made us part of the history of the “Land of Gold”

When the Louvre made us part of the history of the "Land of Gold"


The black pharaohs, other than the politically correct Cleopatra. The cradle of great dynasties lies between Egypt and Sudan: Nubia, an ancient kingdom of gold that today is coveted by Wagner

“Pharaoh of the Two Lands” was an exhibition that the Louvre hosted between 28 April and 25 July 2022. There were over 200 objects, terracotta vases, stems and monumental granite statues, bronze and gold statuettes, precious jewels and crowns of the time of that XXV dynasty which, starting from 720 BC, unified the Nile valley and reigned for about sixty years over a territory that extended from the river delta to the confluence of the White Nile and the Blue Nile. One year later, that exhibition is curiously topical again due to two events that occurred almost simultaneously, and which in theory have nothing to do with each other; but in reality they are united by a bond with that story.

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