Venice can tax, but the cities of art need more than a logic of heavy taxes

Venice can tax, but the cities of art need more than a logic of heavy taxes


“Halt! Who are you? What are you bringing? A sequin!”. Transporting Benigni and Troisi’s Tuscan environment gag to the Lagoon, the apparent result is always that of a country nailed to tolls and leviesto its inexorable little ones taxes to survive. Each one for himself, especially the cities of art. Cities of art such as Venice – but Rome, Florence or Naples make no difference, if not for the density of the crowds – which struggle inch by inch to live, coexist and survive the tourists who besiege them. To tourists who bring bread and wealth (two years of Covid and tears have proved it) but also costs, degradation, distortion of places and lifestyles. Thus comes the decision of the town of Venice led by Luigi Brugnaro to introduce, from 1 April 2023, a new small tax erga omnes, but above all on tourists: an additional 2.50 euros on the air ticket for each passenger, resident or not, departing from Marco Polo airport. An estimated gross revenue of 11.5 million per year, which for a municipality with a deficit, and which also has tourism management among its cost centres, is something. Controversies arise, of course. Both from the opposition of the Democratic Party (usually so in favor of any tax for the territory), from Confturismo and the hoteliers (and so far it is obvious), but also from part of the citizens, “it only serves to make plans”, even if those schei are used not to cut services. It goes like this for everyone, including little sensible controversies, but for cities like Venice or Rome the challenge is more difficult. Brugnaro has always thought about how to better regulate hit-and-run tourism, the one that doesn’t stop at the hotel, especially degrades Rialto and San Marco and leaves little money even for commerce.

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