Us and alternative intelligence, instructions for use. This is Jeanette Winterson

Us and alternative intelligence, instructions for use.  This is Jeanette Winterson


“We can continue to use technology to make our lives worse or to make them better. We are in a time of choices and whether we will go towards a good future or a terrifying future will depend only on us”, the writer tells us

The hands of Jeanette Winterson – like anyone else’s – they speak for themselves, but hers show with an unaware pride the clear signs of her other passions – gardening and the vegetable garden – in addition to writing, which is her job. “I am a very seasonal creature,” he explains to Foglio in a room overlooking Piazza Barberini shortly before going on stage at the Rome International Literature Festival. “Now that it’s summer I wake up with the light, more or less at half past five, and I dedicate myself to the garden after having put on the coffee. I write until lunch and it’s only in the afternoon that I turn on the phone and get ready to welcome the world that must always be invited, it cannot present itself by breaking down a door. We are the ones who can manage these devices and who have to keep them at bay”. Social media? “Well, all they do is try to trap users in a reality equivalent to an operant conditioning chamber where there are no stimuli that can be tracked or actions that can remain private.” “Even at night we are constantly in the spotlight”, she writes in 12 Bytes. How we got here, where we could end up in the future, her collection of essays published by Mondadori in the translation of Chiara Spallino Rocca. “And what we suffer is generational violence,” she adds.

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