Twenty-five stories about Easter and the struggle between hope and loss of meaning

Twenty-five stories about Easter and the struggle between hope and loss of meaning


Annalena Valenti’s book to read while waiting for the Sunday in which the death and resurrection of Christ is celebrated. Fairy tales, legends and poems for everyone, children and adults

It is not strange to find books that collect fairy tales dedicated to Christmas. Far more risky, however, a volume of stories to read while waiting for Easter, because to talk about death and resurrection to the little ones takes courage and certainty, as well as good arguments. There is no shortage of Annalena Valentiwhich leads to the library Waiting for Easterwith a subtitle – “The prodigious duel” – which is a reference to the Easter liturgy (“Death and life faced each other in a prodigious duel”) but also an invitation to read for everyone, children and not: each of us every day he faces the battle between hope and the loss of meaning.

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