Tradition, an increasingly complex and slippery concept. Necessary, though

Tradition, an increasingly complex and slippery concept.  Necessary, though


While Minister Sangiuliano happily delights in Dante, the father of right-wing culture, perhaps because he is mistaken convinced of strengthening in this way a tradition and an identity perceived, another mistake, as insignificant and emptythe December issue of the magazine “Il Pensiero storico”, directed by Danilo Breschi, is coming out in these days with a monographic section dedicated to the theme of tradition/traditions. Is it more correct to speak of tradition in the singular or in the plural? And if the second hypothesis were more correct, what would be the discriminating criterion: religion, nation, language? Is there still a European tradition after at least five centuries of contestation by modernity? And what effect does so-called globalization have on different traditions?

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