Too many symbols make you forget why you went to Qatar. Right dear Germans?

Too many symbols make you forget why you went to Qatar.  Right dear Germans?


In Doha, all the rhetoric is expressed with the hands over the mouth before the match, to symbolize the gag imposed on the regime and the ban on wearing the rainbow sash. And then you forget to play and you lose against Japan

When you worry too much about playing those who do good in the world, there is a risk of forgetting what you went to Qatar to do. This is the case of the German national team, which together with England has beaten the most about symbolic gestures in defense of homosexual rights and has done nothing but talk about it since the beginning of the retirement. The German players – who wore the Udinese shirt for the occasion – took to the field yesterday for the first match of their World Cup against Japan. they had themselves photographed with their hand in front of their mouth to denounce the gag placed on them by Fifa and Qatar with the ban on making Neuer wear the rainbow captain’s armband.

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