Thus the children of Verdone’s eternal love have turned into bourgeois

Thus the children of Verdone's eternal love have turned into bourgeois


The metamorphosis of the left is all in the use of the term “problematic”: imported from America, it indicates everything that risks causing or legitimizing forms of oppression. A subtle and increasingly widespread method of ostracism

In June 1979 Einaudi published the first edition of Black on blackLeonardo Sciascia’s zibaldone; in that same summer, Carlo Verdone shoots his first feature film, “Un Sacco Bello”, in just over a month. There is no relationship between the two, you might say, but don’t draw hasty conclusions. In those pages, in fact, Sciascia recorded the advent of a new human type, which he baptized the left-wing cretin, the intelligent cretin camouflaged “in the problematic discourse”. As if to echo him, the rough Mario Brega scolded his son Ruggero who had become a hippie: “But how did you get out of all this muddled phrasebook? How did you tell me before? Probblemàdiga, probblemàdigo…”. And yes, where does this adjective come from, and above all, why has it returned to circulation in recent years on the left?

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