They want to suffocate us with sport, calendars that leave no breath

They want to suffocate us with sport, calendars that leave no breath


Serie A plays at Christmas, New Year’s Eve and Epiphany, Formula 1 proposes an extra large season, only basketball reduces the matches in the playoff final. It’s not always worth doubling down

Isn’t that how they kill horses too? It was a Sydney Pollack film from 1969. Whoever manages sport today has probably never seen it. What awaits us in the future is a flood of matches, Grand Prix, races, exhibitions. Breathtaking calendars, for those who play, run, jump or swim, but also for those who would like to sit comfortably on the sofa and be a spectator, a pastime that risks becoming a job. Serie A that plays at Christmas, New Year’s Eve and the Epiphany to close on May 26 and leave room for the long summer of the European Championships. Formula 1 is trying to re-propose a 24-race season and says it has streamlined the calendar by placing the Canadian Grand Prix between Monte Carlo and Barcelona. There is no sport that does not expand its calendar. Only after the cry of pain from the players who arrived exhausted in the seventh playoff match to decide the Scudetto, Italian basketball decided to go back to the old ways and reduce the decisive series to five games. A counter-trend recommended by an upcoming pre-Olympic tournament, but certainly common sense.

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