there is a rule that changes the penalties but it is an “address” –

there is a rule that changes the penalties but it is an "address" -


Of Ariadne Ravelli

Abodi: «The decree-law has established a guideline that leads to making penalties visible only once the sentences are final». The rule of three mandates has been removed and referred to the Constitutional Court

Lastly, the Council of Ministers resolved on the world of sport. The rule that must make penalties effective only after the sentences have become final has reappeared
even if from what emerges it is a “guideline” rule. On the other hand, the one that sets the mandates for federal presidents to a maximum of three has been removed: it was decided to wait for the verdict of the Constitutional Court which should arrive in the first days of July.

Sports justice

To use the words of the Minister of Sport, Andrea Abodi, the decree law «He established an orientation which leads to making the penalties visible only once the sentences are final. It has been said that we wanted to move the trials to the end of the championship: this is not the case – added Abodi -. Everything will also happen during the championship, but the penalties will have to be visible only in the event of final sentences. To avoid the +12, -15, which penalized even third parties last season. We have moved on the guideline of efficiency and transparency, in the name of“fair competition”.

Naturally, the minister refers to the Juventus case, which, for the investigation into capital gains, has seen the sentences reformed in the various degrees of judgement, with the classification changing several times during the season. With the formula of the address the autonomy of sport is respected, which instead would have been harmed if article 23 had remained that of the original draft. “We acted in compliance with the autonomy of sport and according to the ownership of the government”, said Abodi, who urged “CONI and federations” to change the rules according to the indications of the provision “certainly they will comply even before the Legislative Decree is definitively law”. “The hope, but we are sure it will be like this, is that the timing of the Guarantee College (last degree of sports judgement, ed) are consistent with the terms for championship registrations”.

According to Abodi, the decree “consolidates the centrality of the Guarantee College”, re-establishes the “Covisoc”, the financial control body of the clubs “which a previous provision to our government had in fact deprived of authority. Confirmed the rumors about capital gains, “with the possibility of enjoying all the tax benefits if the athlete who generates the capital gain is depreciated in the balance sheet not for one but at least from the second season”.

June 15, 2023 (change June 15, 2023 | 22:42)


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