The vast world of pseudosciences, lies within the reach of universities

The vast world of pseudosciences, lies within the reach of universities


From homeopathy to the various forms of anthroposophy. A list of courses, masters, various teachings that combine traditional studies with bizarre alternative theories

When we speak of pseudosciences in the medical field, it is natural for the public to imagine that we are dealing with disciplines practiced perhaps even by members outside the national scientific institutions, but not that the latter are directly involved in facilitating the propagation of any sort of magical thinking in a sector as delicate as that of health. We have known for some time that this is not the case but, every now and then, in the wishful thinking that things are improving, I take the trouble to check if and what courses, masters, various teachings of pseudoscience in the medical field are held in our universities. And so, yesterday too I tried to conduct the usual analysis; the results, as usual, are consistently disastrous, indicating that the complicity of academic institutions continues, which goes far beyond mere tolerance given that in many cases a payment of thousands of euros is required from those who attend the courses. Let’s see some examples, even if it is an exercise for strong stomachs.

In Bologna, to begin with, at the Alma Mater in 2022-2023 a course in “non-conventional medicines alternative or complementary to classical medicine” was activated as part of the single-cycle master’s degree course in veterinary medicine. In the context of a degree course in Italy, that is, one thinks of medicines even and not only complementary – oh well, pass the placebo effect – but alternatives to a medicine that defines itself as “classical”, as if the nonsense of homeopathy and homotoxicology, the subject of which they teach, were a relevant and useful innovation capable of constituting a valid alternative – I stress again, an alternative – to modern molecular medicine. In a university among the most prestigious, do you realize?

It is therefore not surprising if at other prestigious venues, such as the University of Catania, on 15 March next, students will be presented with “the reality of homeopathic medicines” throughout the morning, in a day of “introduction to homeopathy”. What is more surprising is that everything will take place at the department of medicine and health sciences, complete with a presentation of the day by the department director. If you want to go deeper, you’ll be spoiled for choice, as regards both the available programs and the prestigious venues. For example, for just 3,000 euros, or for the more modest sum of 2,000 if you intend to follow remotely, at the Rome office of the Humanitas university consortium, and with the participation of the San Raffaele University of Rome, you can enroll in a II level master’s degree in “Homeopathy and Integrated Disciplines”, where graduates will be taught – it is never that students lack the basic knowledge necessary to deal with these high notions – the “diathesis and constitutions” at the basis of the homeopathic vision.

At a lower cost, one can instead decide to follow the “Advanced Course in Biointegrated Medicine” held at the University “G. D’Annunzio” Chieti – Pescara; whatever “Biointegrated” medicine means, and taking into account the bio effect already discussed here, what is certain is that students will also be taught notions of “homeopathy and homotoxicology”, at a more moderate cost, as we said, of 816 euros (and if be late in registering, you will pay a fine of 25 euros). The list could go on and on; but at this point I have to point out some very sad news, a lack that does not give me peace. Why is it no longer possible to find a course in “dentosophy” in any university, a noble dental art derived from anthroposophic medicine and once taught at the University of Rome Tor Vergata.


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