The surprising friendship between gorillas and chimpanzees in the forests of Congo

The surprising friendship between gorillas and chimpanzees in the forests of Congo


In the heart of the jungle, two of the primates closest to man work together. They exchange information on the trees loaded with figs, they play, sometimes they even exceed in loving effusions. Chimpanzees and gorillas, albeit of different species, interact with each other in Central Africa, establishing lasting social relationships that were previously unimaginable, “friendships” that can go on for up to ten years.

Nigeria, Cross River gorillas filmed for the first time together with their cubs

This discovery, which indicates the possibility and advantages of coexistence, is the result of a very long observation of primate populations lasting over ten years and carried out by the anthropologist Crickette Sanz of Washington University in St. Louis and his team. Sanz first witnessed these behaviors in 2000 within the Goualougo Triangle in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Here these two species considered at risk of extinction often have the opportunity to meet.

In the dense forest of 250 square kilometers, chimpanzees and western lowland gorillas seem to have learned to coexist peacefully: anthropologists have recorded interactions that most often last an houron some rare occasions even the whole day (8 hours) in which they eat together, chase each other, play or, as happened, even try to mate. Other studies in the past had shown the possible relationships between the two species but never, in such a long period, had the behavior of these animals been described and reported as that explained in detail in a publication that appeared in the journal iScience.


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“It has long been known that these animals can recognize individual members of their own species and form long-term relationships, but we didn’t know this extended to other species,” explained Crickette Sanz. From 1999 to 2020, the team of researchers counted at least 285 interactions between local chimpanzees and gorillas. Usually it is the adult specimens who work together to obtain a series of benefits, such as finding out where the fruits and food sources are, as well as the possible sharing of information. For example, when a fig tree is identified, the fruit of which could last for a few days, indications are given to both species through calls: sometimes they climb together to get them, others wait on the ground and share the ripe fruits.

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Most of what we have been told about the interactions between these two species is that they would have been competitive or avoided each other, but that is not the case.“reiterates Sanz. In 34% of the observations of encounters, for example, the two species continued to feed together and almost always tolerant and friendly gestures took place, with clear signs that some specimens were able to recognize each other over time. food therefore essentially creates lasting relationships, but there could also be – experts indicate – opportunities for the transmission of diseases such as Ebola, which has killed thousands of primates.


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While other studies will have to be carried out over time to fully understand the secrets of these encounters, scientists argue that what has been discovered so far may also have interesting implications for our evolutionary history. Often, even in that area of ​​Africa, researchers have in fact hypothesized that various species of hominids were actively competing with each other, but if chimpanzees and gorillas show behaviors of possible interactions then even the ancestors of humanity may have come together to share. resources.


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