The strange “turmoil” of Pier Silvio Berlusconi on Zelensky in Sanremo

The strange "turmoil" of Pier Silvio Berlusconi on Zelensky in Sanremo


Pier Silvio Berlusconi he is “disturbed” by the fact that the president of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky can speak at the Sanremo Festival. “On the one hand there is the question of freedom of expression, a president who wants to make his voice heard and we are all with him and with Ukraine – said the managing director of Mediaset – on the other there is my being a citizen who pays the fee and I can’t help but be transparent: it doesn’t please me that Zelensky intervenes in Sanremo with everything that needs to be said in favor of Ukraine and the situation they are experiencing. It seems to me a search for visibility that troubles me a little, I’d rather not”. In short, this Zelensky who almost like an influencer “seeks visibility” is not good. Pier Silvio Berlusconi specifies, as a competitor, that he does not want to “get involved” in Rai’s choices; but as a taxpayer he feels obliged to express this disturbance.

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