The solution to the problems of public health? Just delete the diagnostics

The solution to the problems of public health?  Just delete the diagnostics


No more thermometers, pulse oximeters and scales: we could empty the houses of all measuring instruments, relying as once on the luck and good soul of a passing doctor, if it passes: perhaps really, in this way, we would eliminate some people from hospitals. And never mind if many end up directly at the cemetery

Too many pulse oximeters, someone says. Pulse oximeters that have the serious mistake of indicating when you reach certain levels of respiratory failure, such as to require a precautionary hospitalization if you are infected with SARS-CoV-2. Too many oximeters, too many tests, everything is too much, except for the cases of infection, hospitalization and death, when we talk about COVID-19: for some, the path to coexistence passes through cognitive removal and the acceptance of damage.

Maybe that’s right. Indeed it seems to me a brilliant solution, like not having thought about it before! Think how many annoying public health problems would be avoided, if only we could empty the homes of Italians of certain measuring instruments.

No more thermometers: a little fever has never killed anyone, enough with the centigrade obsession! And the scales? That guilty symbol of our culinary sins, that graduated scale of our sins! Off with those too, and uncontrolled weight for everyone! Then I would say all the devices to measure heart rate and pressure away: in the end, don’t they all wish for a nice death from heart attack, a stroke and away?

We could continue to empty the homes of all diagnostic tools, relying as once on the luck and good soul of a passing doctor, in the right place and at the right time: perhaps really, in this way, we would eliminate some people from the hospitals. And never mind if many end up directly at the cemetery. That is always better than disturbing the peace of the hospital wards or the conscience of some of their regular visitors.


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