The problem is we who want to make artificial intelligence a bit human

The problem is we who want to make artificial intelligence a bit human


People have been baptizing boats since the beginning of the world, some have given a name to their cars, many even to their mobile phones. Man is predisposed to anthropomorphize, or to attribute human qualities to non-humans. It also happens with AI

Among the many alarms raised by artificial intelligence, the latest is that it could lead to the extinction of the human race. Those who are obsessed with the end of the world usually think of the end of their own, as an expert on the subject such as Ernesto De Martino used to say. But in this case it is not the professionals who could be replaced by AI who direct the orchestra of concerns. Fears are far more widespread and only represent the confirmation of widespread psychological attitudes: for example, the fact that we all love to be afraid.
The risks we are talking about are largely overestimated, we do not discuss what seems to us to be a more real problem.

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