The perverse thought of Ottiero Ottieri, a magnificent intruder into Italian culture

The perverse thought of Ottiero Ottieri, a magnificent intruder into Italian culture


Rediscovering the pioneer of the “industrial” novel, who incisively described the itinerary of the many intellectuals who, like him, emigrated from a central Italy closed in its timeless beauty to the futuristic Milanese offices. Rediscovering the pioneer of the “industrial” novel

In the literary history of our twentieth century, Ottiero Ottieri almost looks like an intruder. And it is quite strange, given that he has gone through all the cultural stages typical of his generation: Marxism, Freudism, the leitmotif of alienation, the transition from fiction to a formless écriture, oscillation between humanism and the fascination of technology. But there’s more: Ottieri he was a pioneer of the “industrial” novel, and he incisively described the itinerary of the many intellectuals who, like him, emigrated from a central Italy closed in its timeless beauty to the futuristic Milanese offices. In short, apparently, he should be a very representative character. If he isn’t, it depends on the relationship both refined and brutal that he maintains with his own identity as a writer and with the theories he uses.

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