The overthrow of Marcello Veneziani, from alive Jan Palach to force Putin

The overthrow of Marcello Veneziani, from alive Jan Palach to force Putin


For years, the right-wing writer has praised the Hero of Prague, a symbol of the struggle for the homeland and freedom against the oppression of Moscow. But it doesn’t apply to Ukraine, because now the Kremlin has a nice fascist stone instead of a red flag

It is not surprising in certain right-wing circles the implicit support, albeit preceded by ritual formulas, a Vladimir Putin. On the other hand, they have in common with him all the paraphernalia against Europe, establishment, mainstream, gender and radical chic (Rampelli should do something to expunge alienism from the right-wing slogans, pardon the mottos, rather than the language of bureaucracy). Instead, what is surprising is that they are some specific intellectuals, among the few that the right is able to express, such as Marcello Veneziani.

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