The opera house is alive and the contaminations (Conte alla Scala) don’t hurt it. On the contrary

The opera house is alive and the contaminations (Conte alla Scala) don't hurt it.  On the contrary


Culture, like tradition, is not preserved by worshiping ashes, but by feeding the fire. Influences and contagions from other forms or other genres are therefore welcome, as happened in Milan. Let’s remove the art from the display case, let’s put it in relationship with the world

The work speaks to us, and has always spoken to us, of contemporary themes and situations: of young people, of difficult loves and furtive affairs, of father-son relationships, of pain, of politics. The work is about all of us and our lives, good or bad as they are. It is a living and pulsating phenomenon, made of flesh and blood, not a mummy to be painted in view of December 7th. For people like me who have been attending opera houses since the age of 9, the debate these days takes on lunar contours.

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