The new game of mirrors by Vila-Matas at the Luna Park of literature

The new game of mirrors by Vila-Matas at the Luna Park of literature


“This senseless mist”, the latest novel by the Spanish writer, is a web of non-senses and excess of meaning, the usual game of mirrors to which we have become accustomed

At the age of twenty he collaborated with a magazine and invented interviews. One, famous, to Marlon Brando. One to Nureyev (“I’m retiring in eight years”). One to director Roviro Beleta. In the end, no one complained because the fake answers were brilliant. It is said that at that time he was studying law, had made two short films and elected Witold Gombrowicz to his lighthouse after having seen a photo of him, without having read a single book. In short, be that as it may, an abbreviated story by Enrique Vila-Matas is impossible to do, although this is the subtitle of a documentary, less ambitiously entitled “A strange form of life”, which speaks of him. Knight of the order of Finnegan, a man who contains multitudes but above all he gloriously expels them from himself, transforming them into literature thanks to the creation and continuous destruction of a narrative metaverse strong of the opposite of him, Enrique Vila-Matas is an indefinable writer who writes novels unmistakable.

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