The merit is not of the right or against the left: it is “collective emancipation”

The merit is not of the right or against the left: it is "collective emancipation"


“Recognizing how favorable family and social environments multiply the chances of success must not make us throw the merit in the garbage”, says Corrado Del Bò, professor of Philosophy of law in Bergamo who translated “The tyranny of merit”, the essay by Michael Sandel loved by Obama

But is the merit like food sovereignty, security or birth rate? Since it was associated with the wording of the Ministry of Education, it has become a politically connoted term, revealing, according to some, a misplaced secret: that merit is, in itself, a right-wing value. “It is actually based on one extremely neutral elementary definition“, He says Corrado Del Bò, professor of Philosophy of law in Bergamo and scientific coordinator of the Festival del Merito of Pavia. “The merit is linked to some kind of action, it indicates that something must be assigned to someone by reason of what they have done. This makes it detached from two factors: chance (the winner does not deserve a lottery prize) and universality. For example, if health is recognized as a right for everyone, care must be provided regardless of whether the patient deserves it “.

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