The hell of the Holocaust in the letters of a Jewish grandmother and granddaughter

The hell of the Holocaust in the letters of a Jewish grandmother and granddaughter


Mara Fazio collected in “From the garden to hell. Letters from a Jewish grandmother from Germany, 1933-1942″ the correspondence between his two relatives in Munich, before they were swallowed up by the concentration camp. A slow and excruciating descent told with exemplary sobriety

“The last train of Jewish children between 6 and 15 bound for England leaves Frankfurt on 25 August [1939]. Twenty of them came from Munich.”
This – this news that comes on page 107 of the book by Mara Fazio From the garden to hell. Letters from a Jewish grandmother from Germany, 1933-1942 (Bollati Boringhieri) – it is the gravestone closing above the then 16-year-old Anneliese Treumann. Of course she doesn’t know it yet, she doesn’t know that she has barely two and a half years left to live before being deported to Piaski, southeast of Lublin, and shortly thereafter being swallowed up by an extermination camp. The reader, on the other hand, knows it, in the introduction to the volume Mara Fazio quickly put him up to date with the facts.

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