The “Grey”, the treacherous color of the contemporary world. Peter Sloterdijk investigates the politics of nuances

The "Grey", the treacherous color of the contemporary world.  Peter Sloterdijk investigates the politics of nuances


The German philosopher studies the quick-change hue par excellence in history, philosophy, mythology, politics and art by analyzing its innate capacity for mimesis, metamorphosis and infiltration

In March 1455, the Venetian merchant Alvise Da Mosto, in search of fortune, followed the route west of the Atlantic, southwards, beyond the Canary Islands, in the direction of what he called “the land of the Negroes”. Several weeks later, his ship reached present-day Senegal. Here, as a trade illusionist, Da Mosto procured one hundred African slaves in exchange for a few Spanish horses and Italian fabrics. In celebration of the deal, he moved inland accompanied by local authorities. When one day he decided to leave the safe guidance of his guests to visit a local market, his presence caused bewilderment among the bystanders: “These Negri, si mascoli como femine, me vegnìa a guardar per una maravelia, e parevali nova cossa a veder un christian in similar place and never before unseen; and no less if they were amazed by my habit than by my whiteness”. Great surprise for Da Mosto to be treated as “white”. Indeed, in his time, and long after his death, Europeans did not consider themselves Europeans.

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