The government road map to launch the climate adaptation plan

The government road map to launch the climate adaptation plan


The text of the National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change (PNACC) will arrive by the end of the year. Officials from the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security confirm what the premier promised Giorgia Meloni in the aftermath of the landslide that devastated Ischia. “The Plan will certainly be published in the month of December”, confirm a Green&Blue. But it will still take a while to see it become operational in the form of a ministerial decree. The idea of ​​the holder of the dicastery Gilberto Pichetto Fratin is in fact to open a public consultation on the Adaptation Plan, as was done for the decree on energy communities. Only once the observations that emerge from it have been received will the text be launched, probably by March next year.

Italy has a climate adaptation plan, but it has remained in the drawer

by Fiammetta Cupellaro

The very long gestation of the PNACC (it has been talked about since 2012, first draft in 2016) would therefore be close to its conclusion. But even the final ordeal of these months has been complicated. After being handed down as an oral legend from minister to minister (Galletti, Costa, Cingolani…), the Plan, in 2021, was finally taken over by the ministry (the then Mite) which submitted it for evaluation strategic environmental (SEA), a process that is the responsibility of Via-Vas Commission and which in recent years had become a bottleneck that choked the construction of infrastructure, starting with wind farms and photovoltaics.

Among the reasons for the authorization delays, there was in fact the environmental impact assessment procedure, with a Commission unable, due to the economic resources and personnel available, to deal with the amount of requests. Then the turning point, when the President of the Commission Maximilian Atelli he won his “economic” battle. The total costs of the EIA procedures amount to an annual amount of between 8 and 9 million euros. And companies that have to submit their work to Via pay a fee for it.

But until a few months ago, only a small portion of the money paid actually ended up with the Via-Vas Commission to carry out its work (recruitment of commissioners, organization of inspections, technologies and IT systems to study projects): in 2021, for example tariffs for a total amount equal to a two-digit number of millions of euros have been paid – by the companies requesting the Via. Al Mite, however, were “turned over” tariff revenues for just 4.7 million euroswith a subsequent slight increase that brought the total to 6 million. Then Atelli’s appeal was accepted by Parliament and now the Commission is adequately financed to provide businesses with the service they pay for and the country with the reassurance that the works will be carried out in compliance with the rules that protect the environment. It is thanks to this new flow of money that Minister Pichetto Fratin has been able to increase the number of Via-Vas commissioners by 30, almost doubling the number of members.

The interview

“The Climate Plan is urgent but a task force is needed to manage the unpredictable”

by Fiammetta Cupellaro

This has produced an acceleration in authorizations. And the National Adaptation Plan also benefited from it, which however, it should be remembered, is not subject to Street (procedure concerning the environmental impact on a given site of specific projects: a road, an industrial plant), but a Vessel (analysis of a more general nature concerning the country system). Well, the Commission ruled on the PNACC, submitting some observations to the ministerial offices that drew up the Plan (unlike the Via, the Vas does not express a “yes” or a “no”).

Now the technicians are working to incorporate these observations. “At that point”, explain the Ministry of the Environment, “the Plan will be presented for the public consultation envisaged by the Vas: by the end of this year. As regards its definitive approval, it is necessary to consider compliance with the timing of the Vas procedure established by the law (within 90 days of the end of the consultations, ed). It will finally be adopted with decree of the Minister of the Environment and Energy Security“. So by the end of March 2023 Italy should have the Climate Change Adaptation Plan it has been waiting for since 2012.


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