The dystopian world of Margaret Atwood, a story of surrogacy

The dystopian world of Margaret Atwood, a story of surrogacy


There is a voice that speaks to us. She says: “To you”, and begins to tell us. It is a story of female mares and oppressed wombs. More than rent, lord it over. The voice is that of June alias Difred, a woman invented by the Canadian writer Margaret Atwood neither The Handmaid’s Tale (1985), dystopian novel and cult of feminist literature. After the 2017 Netflix series, the handmaid reappeared on stage in Rome, at the Basilica Theater in Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano, with the superb interpretation of Viola Graziosi. Graziano Piazza and Loredana Lipperini sign the direction and theatrical adaptation of the story that inspired the costumes of the feminist riots in Alabama, Argentina, Italy. And here is Viola Graziosi also wearing a red tunic and braid gathered in a white cap: it is the dress of the handmaid, June, the vestment of struggle for abortion activists around the world.

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