The drama of Messina Denaro’s 41-bis is staying away from his beloved “pacifist” talk-shows

The drama of Messina Denaro's 41-bis is staying away from his beloved "pacifist" talk-shows


The mafia boss spoke quietly scandalized by the deaths “caused by Zelensky” and said to his friend “You are pro Ukraine, I am pro civilization”. A little Fusaro, a little Di Battista. It would be television material, too bad he got vaccinated three times

But one must also imagine it. She stayed at home. Fugitive. In Campobello di Mazara. Bored like a housewife from Sex and the City (of which, not surprisingly, she had the DVD box set). So after he’d shot down the fifty books she had in her bedroom, including a highly dubious biography of Vladimir Putin, What do you think Matteo Messina Denaro was doing in the evening? But he turned on the television, of course. Like all. Slumped on the sofa. Like Maccio Capatonda, the comic interpreter of the film “Medium Italian”. Like Carlo Calenda, without socks.

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