“The Diamond Family”, the (confused) story of a Jewish community

"The Diamond Family", the (confused) story of a Jewish community


The experiment of “The Diamond Family” is only partially successful, a Netflix series in eight episodes set in Antwerp which has at its center a family of ultra-Orthodox Jews – the Wolfsons – employed in the trade of jewels. The series, performed mainly in Flemish and Yiddish, begins when the youngest son of the family, Yanki, takes his own life because he is overwhelmed by debts and chased by creditors. So his eldest son, Noah, returns home. He decided to leave the Hasidic community years earlier and now lives in London with his recently motherless son Tommy. Noah has left behind not only his family of origin but a system of values ​​and a way of life and now, having returned to Antwerp for his brother’s funeral (for which problems regarding the burial immediately emerge since, having committed suicide, he cannot be buried in the family tomb), he must take up all his past and resolve the economic problems that torment his family.

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