The Darwinist originality of Maurizio Costanzo

The Darwinist originality of Maurizio Costanzo


Today, in the academic field, defining oneself as a “Darwinian” does not mean so much believing in the theory of evolution. Today, being a Darwinian means above all declaring yourself an atheist. Maurizio Costanzo was in his own way one of the greatest Italian Darwinists. But even though he didn’t believe in God, he had high hopes for people. And with the author of The Origin of Species, Costanzo not only shared an interest in turtles, which he collected with passion for years (in the last period of the Maurizio Costanzo Show the turtles were even projected onto the stage of his beloved Parioli), but also the deep conviction that human beings had the right to evolve in peace.

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