The criticisms of Alessia Morani for the makeup and moral rigor of the Pd

The criticisms of Alessia Morani for the makeup and moral rigor of the Pd


Now we know why the only area of ​​Italy where the Democratic Party has won the last general election hands down is constituency 1 of Milan. Because nowhere else on the peninsula, and in no other political alignment, he has an equal aversion to women wearing make-up. The photo published on Instagram of the former dem deputy Alessia Morani with a lace-trimmed tank top peeking out of a leather blouson and shaded eyes for a very modest New Year’s Eve evening with her husband and who, however, gets a barrage of insults from party colleagues, has more than one point in common with us born in the shadow of Santa Maria delle Grazie that at fifty we justify ourselves if, leaving the television connection, we meet a friend who observes us questioningly and knowledgeable eyelids accentuated with the eye liner. The “double-layered” gaze, an adjective from the Twenties that can still be heard around Corso Magenta and those rare times when Luigi Pirandello’s “Man, the beast and virtue” is staged, is an issue that Western women and in particular the Italian ones from the norththe same ones who then take to the streets for the sisters of Iran who risk death for a lock that has escaped from the hijab, they didn’t fix it at all. They and their men, party colleagues, associates, boyfriends, friends, lovers. With regard to make-up we experience an acute sense of shame and, together, a taste for transgression and in recent years also for rebellion, because it is not possible that, while twenty-year-olds are exchanging clothes, discussing gender identity and straight, cis and even a bit of a womanizer go back to dyeing their nails and eyes as in the eighteenth century, we who would be their parents, the generation in theory who possess a minimum of knowledge and equidistance of judgment, find ourselves still incardinated and victims of the nineteenth-century values ​​of “property” and “decency”, to that century of moral misfortunes and widespread hypocrisy.

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