The claim of an inscription on the wall in Vanni Santoni’s “Dilaga everywhere”.

The claim of an inscription on the wall in Vanni Santoni's "Dilaga everywhere".


“As in heaven so on earth. The vault of the stars was and is our first fundamental fresco, “a dark and indifferent canvas, scratched by tiny notches of light”, wrote Roberto Calasso in the “Celestial Hunter”. “Only that remained , among multitudes of events, gestures, beings. Only that one had been chosen to maintain a meaning, a form that was rekindled every night”. It is to that perpetual dance that the first representations on rock are also inspired, in an attempt project a geometry onto the universe and our place in the cosmos. Vanni Santoni in his novel-essays for Laterza he dealt with what are defined as subcultures, but it would be better to call karst rivers that run through the history of humanity in different forms, the tips of much larger icebergs. From the Nietzschean “dance magic” of free-tekno to the ever-repeating, never actually performed initiation rites of RPGs. “Spread everywhere” right from the title tries to trace the infinite, elusive kaleidoscope of writing and Street Art, graffiti, paintings, stickers that constitute the largest artistic phenomenon of our time, a contemporary translation of the mythological Via del Canto traveled by Chatwin. A deluge of “autonomous, unofficial signs” that express “the nature of universal natural claim: everyone can paint or write on a wall, just as everyone can speak”. A galaxy of images, collapses, fusions, jokes, slogans, simple signatures, small and large perceptions, wrote Leibniz, for which “the present is pregnant with the future and laden with the past”. For Santoni it is the “entry, into the usual semiotic field, of an anomaly. Of something that concealed an occult meaning and which therefore, however prosaic or playful it might be, had an inescapably initiatory character”. Once again. Significantly, in one of the first scenes, illegally entering a space where one could be caught by the police, the creative and protest act is inseparable from “a transfiguration – into predator, but also into prey: adrenaline amplifies the senses; hearing now captures every sound, even tiny, near or far, and manages to position it”. As in prehistory.

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