The childhood of the permanent lover Maurizio Milani, between water balloons and letters to his girlfriends

The childhood of the permanent lover Maurizio Milani, between water balloons and letters to his girlfriends


The steady lover goes to colony. It could be the first title of a series, we can’t wait to get to “Valentine’s Day”, with “the romantic hotel for the mounts” that many admirers have given him. Even under Florence, where they speak a different language, they would never, ever say “in the office you were joked”, “ciulare” to steal, “perume” to indicate a pear-shaped head. The Valda tablets or the erotic comic Lando are more international, but they are lost in the mists of time, like the Boer tree of a few books ago (rare examples still exist: Matteo Salvini, a vagabond in the Italian province, managed to immortalize him in a selfie ).

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