The cancel culture drives away Berkeley, one of the fathers of modern philosophy

The cancel culture drives away Berkeley, one of the fathers of modern philosophy


In the wake of Black Lives Matter, Trinity College Dublin had informed staff and students that it was committed to “decolonising the curriculum”. Also under consideration is a change of the name of its library named after George Berkeley. “We have had productive conversations about the Berkeley library name, but the outcome of those conversations is unclear,” the college said. The celebrated philosopher and Anglican bishop arrived at Trinity as a student in the 1700s and was affiliated with the university until 1724, during which time he served as librarian. “The question is, what is the name Berkeley saying, and more importantly what is it saying to our African students and other non-white students at Trinity? We can’t really know without hearing from black students and other people who might be interested. The university must take it seriously into consideration”.

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