The Bundesliga is the realm of goals, in Italy there are more scores than in Spain. England abolishes penalties – Football

The Bundesliga is the realm of goals, in Italy there are more scores than in Spain.  England abolishes penalties - Football


It is written “goal” but it is read “tore”. Because among the top five European championships it is the Bundesliga the tournament in which he scored the most between January 1st and September 26th of this year: 3.04 goals per game. Of course, in the Swiss Challenge League, their Serie B, the average rises to 3.38 but there, between Wil and Aarau, Schaffausen and Xamax, the 4-0 and 3-2 come down to rain. The finger scrolls through the list of Ciesthe international observatory on the football world, wickedly convinced to find in the box of A league the lowest number. And instead the 2.62 of Italy, (once) the homeland of saints, poets and defenders, is surprisingly overtaken on the contrary by the 2.53 of the Spanish Liga. Translation: There are no more Ronaldos and Messi than they used to be. In the middle there Ligue 1 French (2.86 goals per game) and the Premier League English (2.84 goals per game).

Many occasions in Germany, few in Spain

From certain to questionable, as basically scoring opportunities are, the result does not change: here too the Bundesliga commands, in the Europe that counts, with 12.96 chances to go to the net every 90 minutes (plus recovery). Here Italy, with its 11.77 follows England (11.88) but precedes France (11.56). As if to say, in Ligue 1 the attackers are more precise: you create less but you score more. Spanish Liga very detached, at an altitude of 10.93.

The Premier League has abolished penalties

Penalties chapter, which is discussed a lot despite (or for?) The introduction of the Var. In Russia, just to say, a sigh in the area and the referee points to the spot: the average is 0.41, almost one penalty every two match. More than double the Premier League, at 0.19. The numbers show that in England, as well as in Germany (0.22), penalties do not have citizenship. And here too there is a surprise, because those who think of Serie A as a penalty shooter, clash with the cold logic of numbers: in Serie A the average is 0.24 penalties per game, less than France (0.29) and also Spain ( 0.26), the real defeat from these tables, with fewer goals, fewer goal chances and a few more penalties.


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