The brothers are tired | The paper

The brothers are tired |  The paper


Twisted in the pain of memory, petrified in the dim light of the confessional, Pamela Prati recalls the dark story of Mark Caltagirone in the “Big Brother Vip”. Four years after the collective shock (“Mark Caltagirone does not exist, he never existed”) it is time for accusations, clarifications, catharsis. It is the turning point “day in court” of the most fantasy-trash saga on TV. Other than Tolkien and “Game of Thrones”! “We are here to put a point on the story”, says Alfonso Signorini, rubbing his hands anxiously, “your Pamela is an act of love due to the public” (last television happening before a barrage of misfortunes, the ghost of Mark Caltagirone it actually brings us back to the carefree world of before, no viruses, lockdowns, war, nuclear threat, bills, we were happy and didn’t know). Like a Medea from Big Brother, wrapped in a priestly dress, with a bronze jewel around her neck, Pamela Prati unveils the most macabre details of the tragedy. The tears will come almost immediately. It is a heartbreaking tale. An analysis session. Even after many years, he keeps his strength intact: “I met Mark in a restaurant, but I never saw him, they said he liked me, he followed me on Instagram, he built pipelines in Syria, he had adopted a child with a tumor in the throat, his name was Sebastian… they told me that we would be perfect together, but we couldn’t meet because Mark was a collaborator of justice ”.

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