The beneficial immersion in the world of that “rebel conformist” who was Zeffirelli

The beneficial immersion in the world of that "rebel conformist" who was Zeffirelli


Presented in Venice, and now at the cinema as an event for three days, Dell’Olio’s work is a multi-voice concert that weaves films, archive material, photographic archives, memories and interviews, to delve into the enigma of the artist: lover of controversy and big irregular

It is a belated redemption. Maybe the beginning of a rediscovery. It is a portrait, a tribute, a multi-voiced raid within a piece of history of the Italian show. For sure, it is something that Zeffirelli deserved for a long time. Produced by La Casa Rossa, presented in Venice, and now at the cinema as an event for three days, the documentary by Anselma Dell’Olio, “Rebel conformist”Is an immersion in the world, in the work and in the life of that unclassifiable character who was Franco Zeffirelli.

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