Tax, companies promote reform “but the government involves us more”

Tax, companies promote reform "but the government involves us more"


Businesses promote tax reform. The employers’ associations, received this morning at Palazzo Chigi, appreciate the enabling bill that the government will bring to the Council of Ministers tomorrow.
A long list of confederations met with Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti, his deputy Maurizio Leo and the undersecretary of the Prime Minister, Alfredo Mantovano. The government reiterates, among the priorities, that it wants to “reduce the tax burden for companies, increase employment and investments, simplify obligations, encourage collaboration with the tax authorities”. Deputy Minister Leo underlines that the purpose of the executive is to arrive “at a ‘Fisco Amico’ who can dialogue with the taxpayer”.
Businesses are asking for guarantees on Irap
Traders appreciate the goal of stimulating growth through tax cuts, but are asking for reassurance about the cut in Irap “which must reward everyone”, and they hope that the system of tax advances will be halted. Confesercenti underlines that to reactivate consumption, it is necessary to support the lowest incomes. Confcommercio pushes for a structured comparison method: «The complexity of the construction site that is opening calls for the adoption of a planned and structured method of comparison with the social partners», says Giovanni Da Pozzo, vice president of Confcommercio. Coldiretti asks for less bureaucracy for farms; for Confindustria the government’s draft goes in the right direction, while the Alliance of Cooperatives proposes that the tax cut be financed by the fight against tax evasion.
Builders: “Incentives are needed”
The tax reform “must provide benefits for those who invest and want to improve
our cities», says Federica Brancaccio, president of ANCE. «The occasion is unique – he explains – we are in a very important moment. We hope that in this delegation there is room for private interventions to improve our cities. So far we have had drafts, the principles are acceptable. It will then be the implementing decrees, on which we hope to be able to participate – she points out – that will define these principles. Hopefully soon.”
The Abi: “Long times”
«We have listened to Economy Minister Giorgetti and Deputy Minister Leo: it is certainly a very complex general picture. They also presented us with a fairly long timeline for the application of the new enabling law», says the deputy director general of ABI, Gianfranco Torriero. «We as an association will make a contribution – adds Torriero – just as we also gave it on the previous delegation of the last legislature. Obviously, we hope for involvement in the various technical tables that will be set up, as we have been told, and above all we will focus attention on the issues of enhancing savings”.


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