Suspension to leave work 7 years earlier: companies or employees, who can ask for it

Suspension to leave work 7 years earlier: companies or employees, who can ask for it


Suspension extended until 2026

The latest major company to announce its intention to cut its workforce using the Tim Isopension tool (2,000 voluntary exits are expected this year). But what is Isopension (also known as exodus allowance)? And how does it work?
First of all, it must be said that also for 2023, and for the following three years, among the options for early retirement there is the Isopensione, an instrument for leaving work introduced in 2012 by art. 4 of the Fornero law and which at the time allowed employers with more than 15 employees, in the event of a surplus of personnel, to stipulate agreements with the most representative trade union organizations with the aim of encouraging the exodus of older workers and to whom there were a maximum of 4 years left before reaching the requirements for old-age or early retirement (i.e. 67 years of age or 41 years and 10 months for early retirement). This, until 2018, when the 4 years were extended to 7 with a deadline of 2020 and then 31 December 2023. Now, with the ok contained in the Milleproroghe, the instrument extends its life by another three years and reaches up to 2026.


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