Shortage of drugs, the guidelines for preparing amoxicillin in the pharmacy

Shortage of drugs, the guidelines for preparing amoxicillin in the pharmacy


Make up for the lack of amoxicillin by preparing medicinal formulations that contain the antibiotic directly in the pharmacy. The instructions for doing so come from Sifap (Italian Society of Preparatory Pharmacists) and Sifo (Italian Society of Hospital Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Services), who have drawn up the Operating Instructions for preparing the suspension of amoxicillin, which can be consulted freely online on the websites of the two scientific societies. A guide “useful for making safe and effective masterful preparations available”, explain Sifap and Sifo.

Untraceable amoxicillin, appeal by pediatricians to Aifa

The shortage of medicines is now a chronic emergency

“In May 2022 – they recall in a note – the European Medicines Agency (EMA) faced the reality of the shortages of industrial medicines, which international tensions and the Covid pandemic had brought to worrying levels. The agency underlined the dangers , that patients ran, to use less effective alternatives or to use drugs incorrectly.Among the recommendations, he recognized the ‘added value’ of the galenic preparation in making up for the unavailability of the industrial drug, suggesting that health organizations develop preparation protocols where necessary”. For this reason Sifap and Sifo “are committed to the aim of allowing the patient to obtain the missing drug, suggesting preparation methods and developing operating instructions that allow pharmacies to make those preparations that the industry is unable to guarantee” .

Emergency medicines, antibiotics for children are not found. Here’s what to do

by Donatella Zorzetto

The increase in requests due to cases of strep and scarlet fever

“The last case, which also saw the intervention of pediatric associations in denouncing the dangers that children are running – underline Sifap and Sifo – is the lack of amoxicillin, a first-choice drug in children. The shortage has exacerbated in recent weeks due to the increase in streptococcus and scarlet fever infections among children and teenagers.

The risk is that the doctor is forced to prescribe less effective and less manageable drugs, with an increase in health risks and costs. Not to mention the very serious danger posed by antibiotic resistance, a direct consequence of any inappropriate use of antibiotics. Once again, a valid alternative is setting up in the pharmacy”, hence the instructions of the two scientific societies to their colleagues.


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