Seinfeld monologues are back and Twitch bans them for “transphobia”

Seinfeld monologues are back and Twitch bans them for "transphobia"


Jerry Seinfeld, one of the most famous American comedians, author and protagonist of the television series “Seinfeld” which was enormously successful in the 1990s, was the first to rebel against the censorship climate by telling an anecdote: “My daughter is 14 years old. My wife tells her, ‘You know, in a couple of years I think maybe you’ll want to go out on the town more on the weekend so you can see the boys.’ You know, my daughter says, ‘This is sexist.’ All they want is to use these words. “This is racist, this is sexist, this is prejudice.” They don’t even know what they’re talking about.”

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