Science is scary, but only because we can’t fully understand it

Science is scary, but only because we can't fully understand it


A book full of doubts and questions what Enrico Pedemonte, a journalist who has been involved in science for decades and a trained physicist himself, has published for Treccani. “Fear of science” is the title and the author tries to explain the causes with a wealth of cases, historical reconstructions and questions about the future. Without any dogmatism, but trying to understand. Perhaps Shtulman, professor of Cognitive Psychology, quoted in the volume, is right when he states that the complexity of science and its level of difficult understanding have reached such a point that the average man no longer possesses the tools to understand and therefore inevitably regresses. towards certainties that strengthen his vision of the world. Even if they conflict with the scientific evidence. Of course this does not explain why there are tens of millions of people in the United States who are convinced that the Bible is to be taken literally, that the Earth is only a few thousand years old, and that life has been restarted from scratch by the species Noah crammed into a 150 meter boat. It’s funny, but not so much since these gentlemen move hundreds of millions of dollars in donations, influence voters, and censor school programs in the United States of America.

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