School, the ranking of canteens in Italy: in Rome hungry portions, in Lecce, Cagliari and Rimini only local food, Alessandria and Reggio bringing up the rear

School, the ranking of canteens in Italy: in Rome hungry portions, in Lecce, Cagliari and Rimini only local food, Alessandria and Reggio bringing up the rear


Poor variety of foods, excess of red meats, frequent presence of processed food, such as ham, sticks, tuna, industrial desserts and spreadable cheeses: these are the most frequent criticalities encountered in school canteen menus. Often, the dishes served are homologated, bagged, tasteless, to such an extent that, as indicated by the 7th rating of Italian school menus drawn up by FoodInsider – observatory on school canteens which, every year, monitors the state of the school canteen service to identify virtuous models and best practices – according to 47% of the teachers who responded to the survey, children eat less than half of the meal.


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