Santoriello, prosecutor of the Prisma investigation: “I hate Juve”

Santoriello, prosecutor of the Prisma investigation: "I hate Juve"


Storm on the prosecutor of Turin, Cyrus Santoriello, for the sentences spoken and reported by two videos that are circulating on the net in these hours: “I hate Juventus”. Public statements released in 2019 and which are embarrassing the Public Prosecutor’s Office and are causing discussion, given that Santoriello is one of the three magistrates who are conducting the Prisma investigation which sees the Juventus involved. In the conference entitled “The organizational model and football clubs. The prevention of offenses between criminal and sports justice”, the magistrate and public prosecutor did not hold back by bringing out his antipathy towards the black and whites: two videos that are currently went viral on social networks. In the first, dating back to June 14, 2019, Santoriello, a fan of Naples, he replied to a speaker who had highlighted his Inter footballing preferences: “As long as it’s not Juventus”. Definitely heavier, to the point of having the Minister of Sport intervene Abodithe second video in which he admits to hating the black and white club: “As president of a football club – says Santoriello – I’m not good if I make profits but also if I win the championships. Sometimes, however, there is a relationship of incompatibility between the two things. I admit it, I’m a huge fan of Napoli and I hate Juventus. As a fan, Napoli is important, as a prosecutor I’m an anti-Juventus fan, against the robbery on the pitch, yet I had to write filings”.

Minister Abodi’s speech

Phrases that are causing the protest of the Juventus fans to mount and that have pushed the minister of sport Abodi to enter the field on the issue with a tweet: “I have seen, listened to and reported, in compliance with the roles, for the appropriate checks and evaluations. For now, I think it is correct that I stop here”. Phrases, those of Santoriello, which clash above all if we consider the Prisma investigation, which played a central role in the 15-point penalty imposed on the Juventus club for the capital gains issue: the preliminary hearing of the Prisma investigation will take place on 27 March and the judge Mark Peak will be called to decide whether the club and the 12 suspects, including Andrea Agnelliwill go to trial with a decree of indictment or not, with a sentence of no place to proceed.


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