Rummenigge explains in two words why Serie A is struggling: there is a lack of owned stadiums

Rummenigge explains in two words why Serie A is struggling: there is a lack of owned stadiums


The interview by was phenomenal Karl-Heinz Rummenigge granted to Sports Courier. Among the many thorny issues on the table that concern him as a member of the UEFA executive committee (see the scandals on Juventus, Barcelona, ​​Manchester City) and some delightful amarcords on the years spent at Inter, his managerial abilityit is no coincidence that in the twenty years of his management of Bayern Munich the turnover increased from 176 to 679 million euros. Regarding the dullness of Serie A compared to the glorious 80s and 90s, Kalle states a truth that everyone knows but which, as in the case of Bolkenstein, we recklessly procrastinate in Italy: “As long as the stadiums are owned by the municipalities, things cannot change. In Germany we were like you, the 2006 World Cup allowed us to overcome this obstacle and we built beautiful facilities for families. The organization of the 2032 European Championships could help Italy to follow our example, I hope they will be assigned to you”.

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