Rhythmic scandal, on Change.org the collection of signatures for the coach under accusation

Rhythmic scandal, on Change.org the collection of signatures for the coach under accusation


The tam tam started yesterday morning in the chats of the techniques at the head of the most renowned rhythmic gymnastics clubs in Lombardy. Split in two. Anyone who thinks that Emanuela Maccarani should leave the leadership of the national team remains silent. One word too many in such a delicate moment – moreover in a sport that bases results on the verdict of the jury – would result in a kind of competitive suicide.

But for those who instead want to take the side of the technical director of the rhythmic gymnastics national team, referred by the sports prosecutor and investigated by the Monza prosecutor for psychological violence and abuse of “her” butterflies, the time has come to close ranks.

Led by Livia Ghetti – technical director of the Rhythmic Putinati of Ferrara, among her students there are the blue captain Alessia Maurelli and her colleague Martina Santandrea – some coaches have launched on the Change.org online platform. the petition “in support of the national team, the technical director Maccarani and the blue staff”. Almost 400 registrations had arrived on Thursday evening.

The appeal asks to «protect and support the activity of this team which for decades has honored our country with exceptional results» allowing the Butterflies «to be able to regularly continue their preparation in view of the Olympic qualifications».

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Simply said, they still want Maccarani to coach the national team, despite everything. Implicit, but evident, is the judgment on the allegations of former athletes Nina Corradini, Anna Basta and Giulia Galtarossa: they are lies. Maybe dictated by jealousy for the best companions. Even if their complaints were followed by dozens and dozens of others, in the newspapers and on social networks, part of the technical body of the rhythmic team closes its eyes and ears. And inevitably one wonders if it’s just a spirit of self-preservation. Or if the Maccarani method is not an exception, but a model. Shared, as well as admired: to get the result, whether it’s a medal or a flat stomach it’s all the same, everything is really worth it.


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