Read and we will read! Sangiuliano is cooked by Cucciari

Read and we will read!  Sangiuliano is cooked by Cucciari


“Haven’t you read them?” “Yes I read there, because I voted for them, but I want to learn more”. The funny mystery of the Minister of Culture at the Strega Prize asks a question: why does a minister lend himself to all this?

It is useless to hide a moment of uncertainty too, like Geppi Cucciari in descending the steps of the nymphaeum of Villa Giulia to get lost between the tables on the right and on the left. Before starting, there are plenty of premises. The “premessite” was once called, when even without fearing, naive people, a future of Sangiulianesque Italianness they tried to find a suitable term in the native idiom. Then we were overwhelmed by the disclaimers, the cave canem of books and TV series for a low-spirited audience; until all common sense was overwhelmed by trigger warnings (often “tw” + keyword of the topic to be avoided like the plague – and in this case it would be tw + Premio Strega). In short, this time it’s time to wave the trigger warning so that no one feels offended if we have to talk about the very caciaronissima, annual RaiUno-space access evening dedicated to the reflective middle class, which only the magnificent verve of Geppi Cucciari has been able to keep afloat, without that it would sink into a melting pot of mass schooling and press offices. And no one should feel indignant even if they say that the Nastri d’Argento are almost better.

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