Published the plan for adaptation to climate change

Published the plan for adaptation to climate change


The national climate change adaptation plan has been published on the website of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security. The text, updated compared to the 2018 version, will now be submitted to the public consultation envisaged by the strategic environmental assessment procedure. “It is – explains the Minister of the Environment and Energy Security Gilberto Pichetto Fratin – an essential planning tool for a country like ours, marked by a serious hydrogeological fragility. The recent tragedies of Ischia and the Marches have reminded how absolutely necessary in Italy proper land management and the implementation of those adaptation works to make our cities, countryside and mountainous areas, inland and coastal areas more resilient to climate change”.

The interview

“The Climate Plan is urgent but a task force is needed to manage the unpredictable”

by Fiammetta Cupellaro

The plan, the minister underlines, “had been in the works for some time: since the new government took office, with the support of Ispra, we have accelerated the procedures and, as assured in recent weeks, by the end of the year we have managed to speed up the process that will have to lead us to define an expected and necessary plan for the protection of our territory”. More specifically, the objective of the plan is to provide a framework of national guidelines for implementing actions aimed at minimizing the risks deriving from climate change, improving the adaptive capacity of natural, social and economic systems, as well as taking advantage of any opportunities which may occur with the new climatic conditions. The plan proposal was already illustrated to the Regions during two meetings held on 7 November and 20 December last.

The legislative process

The government road map to launch the climate adaptation plan

by Luca Fraioli

Once the observations have been examined and the VA procedure concluded, the text will go to final approval by decree of the minister. The national observatory will then be set up, which will have to guarantee the immediate effectiveness of the plan through the identification of adaptation actions in the various sectors. The observatory will define priorities, identify stakeholders and funding sources, as well as measures to remove barriers to adaptation. The results of this activity could converge into sectoral or inter-sectoral plans, in which the interventions to be implemented will be outlined.


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