Pious, placated, calm and never ascetic. So is Giovanni Lindo Ferretti in his new book

Pious, placated, calm and never ascetic.  So is Giovanni Lindo Ferretti in his new book


A little autobiography, a little confessional, in “Óra. Defend preserve pray” the artist speaks above all of spirituality, but also of family-eternal refuge and equally of geography, in that continuous succession of escapes and returns, from the mountains to the city, from the known ends to the return to the hermitage The “priest” is still here

Differences in deep Emilia. In his time Vasco Rossi informed us that the life we ​​live does not have meaning, but that tomorrow will come anyway. Anarchist fatalism, he would say. After some time, the reply from the fellow countryman arrives on the subject Giovanni Lindo Ferrettiformer cantor of Cccp, Csi and Per Grazia Ricevuta, advocate of an unsurpassed metaphysical materialism, who from his comforting meditative retreat in Lunigiana sends us an agile libretto “Now. Defend keep pray(Aliberti) in which he explains that the meaning may well exist, but that to get to touch it, prayer is the best tool available. Lindo’s new editorial effort, as long as he knows how to move among the solemn monuments scattered in his thoughts, is a book that warms the heart. A little autobiography, a little confessional about the journey in the “valley of tears”, it speaks first of all of spirituality, but also of family-eternal refuge and equally of geography in that continuous succession of escapes and returns, from the mountains to the city, from the known ends, to the return to the hermitage.

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