Pichetto Fratin: “The 2.2 billion of the Pnrr for the energy communities will be granted”

Pichetto Fratin: "The 2.2 billion of the Pnrr for the energy communities will be granted"


“The 2.2 billion of the Pnrr measure on the Energy Communities can be granted non-repayable”. This was communicated by the Minister for the Environment and Energy Security, announcing that Italy has managed to obtain from the European Commission the green light to use the measure in non-repayable mode instead of the loan, announcing the signing of the decree for the beginning of 2023 .

“It is a great result – added Minister Pichetto Fratin – made possible by dialogue and discussion, which has allowed the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security to incorporate the inputs received in this sense from the numerous stakeholders in the energy communities ready to be activated throughout the national territory”.

“Once again, Europe has appreciated the interpretative line carried forward with determination by MASE, in line with the ever-increasing importance of accelerating the production of energy from renewable sources to reduce dependence on natural gas according to the objectives of the RepowerEU ” concluded the Minister of Environment and Energy Security.


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